#written production
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the---hermit · 29 days ago
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I decided to start reading one of my luckiest thrift finds, which is this history book on the daily life in ancient Rome. I got it a couple of years ago for something like three euros and deep in my heart I know I'll never be this lucky again. The idea is to follow the author in a day in imperial Rome hour by hour, in order to focus on the daily habits and cultural history. And this is my favourite kind of history. What people wore, what they ate, how their day was structured, what they did in their free time, and so on. These are the things I love about history and this book is so well done. And I was very happy to find out it was translated in English so if you are interested I truly recommend it.
📖: A Day In The Life Of Ancient Rome by Alberto Angela
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monscrow · 4 months ago
i still firmly believe that those four fags from new jersey are incapable of being within 7km of each other and NOT writing at least SOMETHING. like. they have to have created something new since foundations right??? they haven't spent all this time together without working on new stuff(songs?) i'm so sure.
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jadecitrusmint · 11 months ago
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Currently reading the communist manifesto in my political theory class, I’ve never read it before so it’s cool to study some new theory.
🧋🧋I got bubble tea and bahn mi with my boyfriend yesterday which was a nice reset~
My to-do this weekend:
English 392: When You Trap a Tiger reading + comment, 2nd response to another student’s comment, begin review for exam 2
Stat 512: final exam practice questions, homework 8
Stat 540: homework 6
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It seems Caul has seen the Miss Peregrine‘s movie. So I made this
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angryjewishcockroach · 5 months ago
I have been thinking about this video nonstop since I first saw it on Instagram. I hope everybody has a very happy tuchus!
[Video ID: A Jewish woman (Rabbi Yael Buechler, @midrashmanicures on Instagram) speaks to the camera: We have reached a new low in holiday product fails. This treat box is for Sukkot. It's featured on Amazon and Sukkot is a holiday that doesn't get a lot of love so kudos for having a product for Sukkot. It says Happy Sukkot and in the Hebrew it says--wait for it--tuchus! Happy tuchus! Tuchus is Sukkot spelled backwards. The product clearly wasn't vetted in the Hebrew. This other treat box just says Tuchus. I'm thinking we should create some sort of governing body that "certifies" Jewish holiday products as being "kosher" because this is a new low. Anyway I want to wish you all a very happy Tuchus." The first box she shows is pale green decorated with images of apples, pomegranates, and branches and the words "happy sukkot" and תוכוס. The second treat box is pale orange with a similar motif and the word תוכוס. End ID]
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northstrz · 2 years ago
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always gold, radical face
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mollysunder · 1 year ago
This is Chadd, he's from the Inx in Conv/rgence, he loves Jinx, and he organizes elaborate acts of terrorism/performance art against Piltover in Jinx's name. And I NEED this strain of Jinx stan to make it into season 2 of Arcane.
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Chadd is the best example of the kind Zaunite that takes their admiration of Jinx seriously and let's it influence their own violence and art, because yes, he plays guitar and sings with the Inx's band. Chadd's an obnoxious, in your face, musically-talented (but borderline nerdy), organized weirdo that gathers all the other stans to plan aerial concerts/bombing events on Piltover.
He's such a dedicated stan (in the concept art) that he dresses up like Jinx too, shorts, fishnets, collar and all. Chadd even has his Jinx tattoo drawn in the same placement aswhere Jinx has her own.
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Please Arcane, let obsessive freaks like Chadd overwhelm the chembarons next season as Jinx's stans believe the chembarons don't pay her enough proper tribute. Let Jinx be mildly amused at their antics and keep them around for logistics and grunt work.
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pandoratheprocrasticreator · 5 months ago
hey in DRDT if eden does end up being the mastermind like some theories say i can see her having actually killed arei for whatever reason and pulling a tsumugi shirogane and framing ace for it. like ace sees ppl will vote him guilty anyway so he pretends to have done the murder to get everyone killed out of spite. but then monotv says everyone voted right and he is the killer and he's wrongfully executed. then the others discover that in chapter 6 when they pin it on eden or whatever.
it would play into teruko's decision to trust eden. since teruko didn't pursue eden when she was suspicious, she would have let the real killer and mastermind get away and it would play into the theme of ppl betraying teruko, if that's what the dev is going for.
more interestingly for me rn though, it would play into ace's persecution complex he has this chapter. like imagine everyone ganging up on you and deciding you're the killer, so you lie that you are, expecting to get them killed. and then you're told that, nope, monotv has arbitrarily decided that you ARE the killer when you're clearly not. and everyone else survives but you and ONLY you are executed. for something you didn't even do. that's just confirms to ace that everyone, including the ppl who run the killing game, hates him, specifically.
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bird-inacage · 7 months ago
Love Sea Post-Episode 8 Thoughts: Fortpeat are the MVPs
I cannot emphasise enough how Fortpeat's chemistry is carrying this show. I commend the sheer conviction and commitment these two clearly have in their characters and the relationship they are portraying. I am thoroughly enjoying the boldness that has emerged in their roles as Rakmut. Their efforts have not gone amiss.
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The downside for me is that Love Sea's plot has (largely) been far clumsier in it's writing compared to the Prapaisky storyline in LITA. I think what worked in LITA's favour was its much simpler trajectory. Fortpeat are doing their darned best with the material here, but the story beats aren't landing quite as well as they could. My hunch is MAME tried to up the ante with her narrative, which hasn't quite paid off in terms of execution. (I'll refrain from reviewing this definitively until the series has finished but this is a reoccurring observation).
Regardless, Fortpeat's phenomenal chemistry is doing a tonne, if not the bulk of the heavy lifting. And if they were a less compelling duo, the story would probably be at risk of falling flat on a number of accounts. MeMindY have a lot to thank them for here.
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I have to give a honourable mention to the actress Nina who plays Meena. The girl has been an absolute delight to watch, especially in her exchanges with Fort. She's cute and endearing but also incredibly natural on-screen, which is a breath of fresh air. Some of her adult counterparts could even take a note or two. I'm very impressed at her ability to competently keep pace with the cast in the serious scenes. The moment where she intercedes Mut and Jak was wonderfully delivered, considering her age.
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Now, I haven't delved much into the discourse surrounding how Fortpeat as a duo deserve better than the treatment they're getting from MeMindY. All I would say is Fortpeat have clearly shown themselves to be an incredibly valuable asset as an acting duo, and I'm very intrigued as to what their next step will be post-Love Sea.
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canisalbus · 1 year ago
I say this in the best way, but your characters feel like they're from an obscure but really good piece of media, and you feel like the artist who always draws the two main characters as ghay lovers
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specialagentartemis · 22 days ago
Ngl I do not take any arguments of “um this comic book character IS ACTUALLY—“ seriously. Comic book superheroes have been written a lot of different and incompatible ways by a lot of different and ideologically incompatible writers. Thing A is true in some runs, thing B is true in others, thing C is true in some movie versions, debating which one is the Real True Authentic one seems really pointless.
You can argue that you think that Thing A is better, more interesting, a more honest portrayal of what the superhero is all about, and that Thing B is missing the point and making a lazy or regressive choice, or that in the very first comics Thing A was true and here’s how it’s been included or not included ever since, and how Movie X did good things with that theme while Movie Y subsumed it to something else… but you are arguing about the real true truth of superhero comics, a medium that is RATHER FAMOUS for its retcons and inconsistencies and reboots and multiverses. “Which of these is the REAL TRUE essence of this character” is something that is just not capable of being answered.
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aj-artjunkyard · 9 months ago
bestie help the combined force of the PJO show, Blood of Zeus s2, the Hades games and the Epic musical are making me write ToA fanfiction again
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bamsara · 2 years ago
don't have good associations with my birthday
fuck it we ball. plan to celebrate birthday alone anyway
plan entire day before birthday to clean/do chores/finish commissions so birthday is free
buy banana nut bread loaf at store (because dont like cakes)
phone call
friend is having chest pains. wants to talk to the chest pain expert (me)
hmmm sounds sus. convinces them to go to urgent care, drives and pays for her visit
urgent care says go to ER
most of the entire day is spent driving to another town to their ER and sitting in lengthy wait times
nauseous / faintish because of hospital trauma
good news! friend is not dying.
only severe bladder infection that got into the blood, not sepsis tho
pain meds, antibiotics, we're good to go
drops friend off, drives home
its 30 min until midnight. i started at 8am
nothing is done.
need to eat. gonna eat yummy bread. goes to fridge.
family member ate the banana bread while i was gone
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habibisagi · 8 days ago
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shoujo isagi........................... almost maybe.......................
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myokk · 9 months ago
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Sebastian had a few days leave from duty so he visited Eloise😇😇
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aashiyancha · 5 months ago
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Finally finished writing something from start to finish.
Hope you enjoyed!
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